Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Talk to your punters

It amazes me how we have adapted our lives around email, cell phones and text messaging. While I think it is wonderful that there are so many articles written teaching us how to "blast" our contacts with information on our new listing, price reductions or "e" news letters, let's want to focus for a moment on the sound of your voice.

Do you think that people like your voice? Honestly. Do you enjoy hearing your voice on your message machine or voice mail? If you are like most people, you will say "no"!

However, I am convinced more than ever, in this demanding world of technology, that your clients and customers want to hear your voice.

Certainly the internet is a way of helping us to communicate, stay organized and build our businesses much faster than years ago. Email allows us to communicate with hundreds and thousands of people across the country. However, I challenge all of you to look at the amount of time you really spend behind the key board or how much time is spent with the cell phone rather than a face to face contact.

As I drove around my neighborhood I noticed someone walking their dog, and typing on their PDA. Another day I went to the grocery store and actually missed my email. I couldn't wait to get home to see if there was anything to "do" or what if someone "needed" something. I've actually become a slave to my email and computer! Sound familiar?

Last week when speaking to several agents they expressed how they don't feel as internet savvy as some others. Their main concern is that they are being left behind. I encourage these agents to understand that yes the internet & latest technologies can help them build their business, however please continue to use their god given voice as the main communication with their customers. I explained how if they focus on what really matters, the relationship, they can simply learn the new techniques and technology to add to their profitable business. Yes, the tools are important and must be learned however their business does not need to fail just because they are not using the latest PDA. Allow the internet tools to pull or bring more business to you, but then step out and use the best communication of all—your voice.

10 years ago, we did not email our sellers a marketing report to show them the progress of their sale, we would type it out, mail it or even drop it at their door. We would discuss with them the progress of the sale, not email it.

When is the last time you called your seller and said you would like to drop something off for them to look at? Perhaps an article from the paper, or your marketing report. How about the last time you called a buyer—just to tell them you were thinking of them, and want to go the extra mile to be sure that their experience with purchasing is outstanding. Simple phone calls that ensure business and build relationships. Sure you can email too, however that voice of yours is awfully powerful.

You've heard the saying that "the pen is mightier than the sword".

I believe that the sound of you voice will forever bridge the difference between being a good agent and simply getting by, or being a super agent with a successful & profitable career. One phone call at a time can still change the course of your business forever.


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