Thursday, January 12, 2006

Bonne Année

We are embarking on a new year. The slate is clean for the first time in over a year. What a great oppõrtunity lies before us right now.

My questíon for you is: what are YOU aiming for? All great performers in life have a specific aim or objective. The archer is shooting for the bull's eye. The ship's captain is aiming for a specific port. What are you aiming for?

"Create The Outcome That You Desire"

This time of year holds the most promise for you over all other times of the year. You have a whole new year to create the outcome you desire. Your sales board for this year has a big zero on it. All the challenges, victories, and hard work you did last year are gone.

Many Agents go through a real panic at this time of year. They wonder if they can do it again. Will they be able to grow their business the way they have outlined it? What if the economy and the market change for the worst?

"Protect Yourself When The Market Changes"

It's very easy to get upset, become highly emotional, or even be depressed at the beginning of a new year. I have a few clients whom I go through this drill with every year. These clients are doing huge numbers annually but always are concerned if they can do it again. My guidance to them is: every year we have a January 1st, and every year we start over. All the concern, dread, and depression truly do not make things turn out better. Usually, it zaps a whole lot of energy that could be ínvested in more productive activities. Especially this time of year, we need the control of our emotions.

In life we have two tanks of energy that we need to protect. The two tanks contain our emotional energy and our physical energy. The physical energy tank can be filled easily through rest and recreation. You can often refill your physical energy tank in a long weekend. Your emotional energy tank takes longer and refills slower. It is paramount that you protect it. You are the one who controls the drain valve. At this time of year, control the drain valve well. If you control your emotions you can control the drain.

"Control Your Drain Valve"

Through coaching Agents for years, I realize we also let other people control our emotional tank drain valve. People such as that difficult seller that makes their lack of equity in their home somehow your problem or your fault, or that buyer who doesn't trust any Agent they work with. All these types of people are trying to get their hands on your emotional drain valve.

Resolve this year to take better control of your emotions. Resolve to control your clients better to not allow them access to your emotional energy tank.

Have a successful year!


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